Saturday, May 30, 2009


Hello My Freaky Saturday.!

Well my bestie in the whole wide WORLD came over yesterday. It was AMAZING! but yeah.. I took my little brother OUT to the movies, out to eat, get ice cream, & the park. Well I know when I get older IF I have kids, Im going to be the best MOM! well I took him to see Dance Flick (yes he's 5) lol but he cuss anyways so No movie was going to help that.Spent $30 at the movies. Then we leave out and he see's BEN & JERRY'S! wow... why me? He want's ice cream. We sit down & he eats his ice cream. Spent $6. Okay in between this time & the next We go to CVS and I bought him all the candy in the world. Spent $12 of candy. Later, I took him to play around then my lovely sis/best friend/ old neighbor walks up & see's us. Was relieve because he wanted me to play tag with him. She leaves & now we are leaving to go home .... & when I thought it was over POT BELLY comes along . Spent $10(had to get me a sandwhich too). He wants a sandwhich and a tea. YUP. well my day was overall good.Well I'm not finish with the day yet. I just wanted to update my blogg. I really dont want to finish but tomorrow is Church [Pentecostal Sunday] can't wait.... (OOH LA LA ) x0x0x0

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Beginning of a New Start.

Well For Beginners. My FIRST BLOG!! I really needed one since I love writing & experessing myself. Can I say today was the worst.? *Sigh* Im sitting here Texting +Blogging, which now will be my new hobby..This really reminds me of XANGA!! remember that? WOW but anywho. I went to target today & bought some nail supplies because the summer is comming and the nails have to be fierce & on point. I bought the Sims... but the stupid thing wont work! I REALLY WANT MY MONEY BACK! but I'll wait till tomorrow. Im starting the learn more about myself everyday and its really exciting.. Well today I learned that Im Extremely SMART.. yes me.Today I didnt go on ... Im so proud of myself.. ( I can't help but to read GOSSIP) so funny. well celebs.okay the funniest thing happened today This boy felled down the steps trying to stare at me. I didnt laugh UNTIL i walked off.. Whoa! Im bout to go do some Homework. So0o0o thats it for today... I'll blog tomorrow. (OOH LA LA) x0x0x0
